Archive of posts tagged caricature
#sketch_dailies PRINCE DRACULA
The Bad
Save Smooshi
A wise man once said “You can judge a man’s true character by the way he treats his fellow animals.” After listening to the stories of Phil Demers on an episode of Joe Rogan’s podcast a while back, it became clear to me that one man’s character was pure evil. This man – John Holer, the owner of Marineland. The stories I’ve heard range from him shooting innocent dogs ( to torturing orcas and walruses by forcing them to live in sickening conditions. You need to listen to the podcast (JRE #425) and watch the documentary “Blackfish” that reveals some of the conditions that these animals have to suffer in. Really, these animals should not be captured to begin with. Go help spread the word and support Phil in his indiegogo campaign – – only a few days left. Also check out his twitter where you can find links to more info and other animal defenders –
Dammit Elam!
Here’s a caricature of one of my favourite Youtubers, Devin Graham. He is really one of the most hardworking filmmakers out there. Check out his work, you’ll see:
Here is a comic I hope DC will really consider – Batwuss. To be honest, I look forward to seeing Ben Affleck play the role of Batman in the upcoming Superman movie. So this piece is really my impression of the internet’s impression of the situation. I think he might actually make a good Batman. He can pull off the body and he’s got that massive chin which can only look good in a Batman mask. Interested in seeing how he uses his voice though… husky Boston accent squeals anyone?
Oh, come on!
There was a time
Here is a piece I did for my dad for his birthday. I took inspiration from the MIB poster. I wanted him to look mean and have the paint brush as his weapon of choice. I don’t think he liked it LOL.
UPDATE: Some browsers are not showing it good, so here is a web friendly version. I guess it’s because I worked in CMYK.