
Here’s today’s sketch:

And here is an odosketch I had done a while ago to make up for missing yesterday:

Back to odo

Today I did an odosketch of my kitten, Bheem, from the before time when he still had his balls.

partial sketch

Ok, today’s will be a partial odosketch.  I didn’t get time to do more but atleast there’s something for today!

Don’t know where I’m going with this – any ideas?  IF you have an interesting suggestion I just may play with it!

Baby are you down down down down down…

Damn song stuck in my head.

Ok, today’s art format is threefold: a tradition pen on paper sketch, an odosketch and a pastry…

I will post more about odosketch and some of my other work on there another time. 😉

As for the 3rd beautiful piece of artwork – my mom was baking a cake and I decided to make a chocolate cake with some of her batter 😀  She only let me use a little bit so that’s why it’s so small!  But it was delicious!  I made it with cocoa and Milo 😛 Oh yeah, and I chopped up a few mixed nuts and sprinkled on half of the batter =)

Sleep time, bye for nowz.