
I don’t know wtf this is..

Part 2

Changed up the hair a little bit.

Photography is Happy

– Happy happy

The Real You

you shared the shit outta me

Tripping the Knight Fantastic!

geet geet

If I ever came out with a hair product for girls I would call it “Hurr” and I would advertise it as follows.


Modified it abit and here is a slightly larger version –

– for men, see “Arrr”

Be Easy

Haven’t been posted in the past few days because, well, the things I’m working on everyday are either not done or on paper (which I’ll eventually scan/photo).

Here is something to tide you over:


You have stolen my essence!

This is a tribute to Fruit Fucker.

– Give it back

tak tak taka

Give him victory

swing so sweetly

Was once lost

GOt you

WHat is going on?

Did another sketchoholic study contest. This was a tonal study. These things are freaking hard..

Contest page: