
things to come

Here is a teaser of something I’m working on…


I gave you all

Here is a tattoo I designed for a friend.

And here is how it came out!

It was decided that, with the words, it would be too big for the spot she picked.  So they kept it small and sweet 🙂

Here are some early designs…

everlasting divine

kay play

Be found

Ride an elephant

let me first say

Rihanna sketch!

– that you’re so charmin’

come home

Finished this Kina Grannis piece. Hope you enjoy.

Here’s another one I did of her last year – http://praveensawh.com/blog/2010/06/16/midnight-carrot/


a Work-In-Progress of someone special.


some more designs for the speech competition banner:

one too tree

Here’s my design for another one of those speech competition banners. They’re moving on to the next level.

Favorite things


Last post for 2010. And it’s a catchup post D: